Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Organized Spontaneity

As a child I always wanted to be spontaneous.

I wanted to do whatever, whenever. There was something magical about having no rules, and always being left to your own devices.

Throughout my teens and early twenties I upheld the believe that the bohemian life was the only life for me - I just needed to find a way to break the ties of bills, education and that dreaded word RESPONSIBILITY so that I could float around like the ethereal fairy all day long.

I've come to realize though. I really like routine. I like the ties that bind - friendships, family, community. All these things come with a fixed space, with communication, networking and some degree of organization and time-keeping. Your friends, for example, will only be good friends for so long if you continue to break your dates, forget to return their calls and check in on them because you're just "so out there".

The more I move around, the more I've found that I quickly like to set up social circles through routine... through finding a regular class schedule, making regular plans, and in that space, that place of organization, dependency, trust - that's where the spontaneity shines and seems magical.

I love to plan my days and have my sh*t together. I always pay my bills on time, my house is always clean, I walk my dogs at regular intervals, I'm not late for work, and I structure my days around working time, fun time, working out etc. It keeps me in a routine which allows me to pack my days to the max. I have found time to have a full time job, time to pursue my passion and heart in the studio (teaching, training and practicing), time to raise 2 happy, healthy adopted dogs, time to travel, time to build loving relationships and time to look after myself and keep myself healthy.

For me, the more structured I am, the more freed I feel. Getting stuff done when it needs to be done creates that oh so sort after commodity TIME. And alongside that time, I have built the funds to play with it and a social circle to play with.

So next time you're feeling like part of the rat race, remember that balance is key. It's okay to have a regular 9-5 and to enjoy it, it doesn't make you any less spiritual. It's okay to enjoy familiarity and routine, it doesn't make you any less open-hearted. It's okay to be organized and in control, it doesn't make you any less interesting.

Life is about balance.

You need to have the routine to recognize and appreciate the spontaneous adventure; after all, if you're on one long trip it would start to feel ... well... routine.

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